The forces of opposition to bill 74, Quebec’s gambling legislation, continue to assemble. First it was PIAC, on July 11. Now the CWTA has joined the fight. The Mohawks may follow. I have previously described Quebec’s legislation as odious, unconstitutional and futile, a rare trifecta. Quebec has sought a delay from the CRTC of 120 days while it gathers its thoughts on how to deal with the issue. It should read some of Geoff Huston’s comments on Internet site blocking, but of course it is too proud to admit error and climb down. Mr. Huston lives in Canberra, is the Chief Scientist for APNIC, and although I have not spoken to him in this regard I am sure he may be contacted to provide parties with further technical advice on name blocking, route filtering, and other distortions of the Domain Name System. Good luck, Qubec, because you will need it. I wonder if Google will intervene?