Once more into the breach, dear Sisyphus!


The bankers and creditors of Mobilicity are trying to decide what terms to accept from one or another of Canada’s large carriers for the assets of the company. How often must this happen before Canadian governments, Conservative or Liberal or NDP (gasp!), give up the failed idea of competition through multiple carriers? I call this the […]

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The five stages of grief and the television production community


Elizabeth Kubler-Ross described the five stages of grief as one faces one’s mortal end. Personally I am in denial and I hope you are too, but I was thinking of her the other day as I contemplated the reaction of the ideologues of the television production community to the Internet.   She described the stages as […]

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Regulating the Internet under the Broadcasting Act, 2


Peter Miller, a Toronto broadcasting lawyer, published an article in Cartt, the purpose of which was to argue against the positions I have maintained that the Broadcasting Act should not be extended to the Internet. Here is my response. Peter Miller’s article seeks to make it look reasonable that the government should regulate the right of […]

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oh pulleaze, Bell says we should be ashamed for using VPNs


Mary Ann Turcke, the new head of Bell’s media division, thinks we ought to feel shamed and be ashamed of using a VPN to tunnel out of Canadian broadcasting jurisdiction to gain access to the larger stock of video available outside the wire, the large and rather amiable confinement zone which Canadian cultural policy has produced. “It […]

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An architecture of censorship, or “We need a futile gesture at this stage”


The Quebec government intends to interfere in commerce on the Internet, the free choice of Quebecers to choose with whom to do business, and to require ISPs to establish an architecture of censorship, all with a view to driving users willy-nilly to Quebec’s official gambling site. These measures were announced in the Quebec budget of […]

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