Month: December 2014
Spectrum set-asides: there are easier ways to do it
/I wish I could get more excited by spectrum set-asides for new entrants. No, I am not talking about bad pornography- it is not that kind of excitement. I refer to the government’s announcement that new entrants will be favoured in the spectrum auctions, the goal being to encourage the creation of a fourth wireless carrier in most urban […]
Read more »Risk, risk, risk
/Some carriers point to the risks of placing fiber to the home if there is any risk of having to lease their facilities to smaller ISPs. Many shibboleths are cited. My favourite is the prospect that radio-based services might become suddenly competitive with fiber. Hmmn. Let me see. Take fiber’s carrying capacity. The information comes from […]
Read more »Watching the Master at work
/When I consider the skill it takes to converse with the Commissioners in a hearing, and not argue, I can only admire Ken Engelhart of Rogers. Engelhart manages to maintain a conversation between regulator and regulated that is remarkably free of cant, rancor, contention, and evasion. He frankly admits things that others would shy away […]
Read more »Why is service-based competition the way to go? It is the apps…..
/Jean Pierre Blais, Chairman of the CRTC, asked the essential question of the hearing to the representatives of the Open Media Coalition on Monday December 1st. Why is service-based competition the way to go? he asked. I have been waiting for this question because it draws attention to the issue: where does innovation come from? […]
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